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4. The Friend

You’re trudging through the overgrown forest—branches snapping underfoot—when suddenly, in the distance, a figure waves you over. Your heart skips a beat. Who in their right mind hangs out near a crumbling building like this? As you draw closer, you see they’re staring you down with a mix of curiosity and urgency.

  • You: “Who are you? And why do you look at me like you know me?”
  • Stranger: “You don’t remember? Amitohume messed with your mind? I’m Reliverse—your friend. You once told me what you wanted, and I gave you that car you asked for. I live in a young location called Blefonix State, at coords. Drop by sometime; I’d love to see you! But next time, be specific about what you need—rather than just, ‘Give me something with four wheels.’ If you spell it out, I can build a gift that actually works. Bring that car back, and I’ll help you fix it. Sorry about your memory, by the way. I can also help you figure out what’s really going on here. Just ask.”

You open your mouth to ask about this ominous memory loss, but before you can utter a word—poof—Reliverse dissolves right before your eyes. You blink, and the forest is empty except for a gentle breeze. Confused, you look around, half expecting a hidden camera crew to pop out. Then it hits you: maybe this stranger was just a high-tech browser popup or some next-gen ad. Makes you think twice about closing every popup without reading—it’s possible there’s something useful in that marketing fluff.

Rubbing your eyes, you check your surroundings again. No footprints. No swirling energy fields. Just you and the quiet forest. A knot of doubt forms in your stomach: Did I really see someone, or did I imagine it? And what was that name… Amitohume? It’s like a forgotten error message stuck in your mental debug console—you can almost remember it, but not quite.

You: “I’ll figure it out. Right now, I’ve got bigger issues—like a busted car with no roof and no idea how to fix it.”

With that, you let out a sigh and head back to the old building, determined to peel back its secrets. Maybe there’s a clue in those worn walls, or maybe some stray code is lurking in the corners, waiting to be studied. You keep your ears pricked for any twig snaps or ad popups, ready to grab any knowledge (or freebies) that might help you piece your life—and your code—back together.

Somewhere out there, Bleverse awaits—along with a certain friend named Reliverse who promises big answers (and maybe a fully functional car). But that’s for another day. For now, you just want to fix up what’s left of your sanity and your shelter. Step by step, line by line of code, you’ll build something worthwhile out of this mess. Maybe the first line of your brand-new destiny is as simple as:

<!DOCTYPE html>

Because… hey! Everyone needs a roof!