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2. The Car

A Changing Landscape

AI itself isn’t going to replace you as a programmer. The people who’ll replace you are those who know how to code—and how to leverage AI—better than you. That’s precisely what my posts will focus on: coding smarter, coding faster, and taking advantage of the many tools now at our disposal. The world is changing, and so are our coding methods.

You’ve just won a new car. Cool, huh? But what if you know nothing about cars? Sure, you or a friend might be able to slap some paint on it to fix cosmetic issues. But what if the engine won’t start, or you need to replace it entirely? On top of that, you don’t have a driver’s license—and you don’t even know how to drive.

Of course, you could pay specialists—friends, freelancers, agencies—to handle these problems. But that can get expensive and time-consuming. Think how much simpler it would be if you at least understood the basics. Here’s the analogy:

  • The car represents your project.
  • Your friend stands for AI and other coding tools.
  • The specialists are freelancers and agencies you can hire.
  • Your driver’s license is your coding knowledge.

Now, picture combining all four elements: your newly acquired coding skills, AI-driven tools, freelance or agency support when needed, and a solid project plan. Think of how powerful your project could become!

What You’ll Learn in Future Posts

That’s exactly what some of my future posts will teach you:

  • How to start new projects,
  • Where to get help,
  • How to grasp the underlying code of your own projects, and
  • How to write, debug, and improve that code yourself.

P.S. Oops! It seems the utility services have just informed you that, after all, they’re taking your apartment away… But no worries—you’re not the type to give up so easily. You’ve decided to build yourself a wooden shelter in the nearby forest, right next to the spot where, as it turns out, you’ve won a car. Let’s head over there and check it out!